Our home at 302 Mark Twain Drive was built in the mid 70’s by Senator “Bo” Thomas of Hendersonville North Carolina. The home is located on Lake Lure and has views of the lake and Rumbling Bald Mountain. This sturdy cottage sits on 18 large pilings each on their own concrete foundations. The home was built and owned by the Thomas’s until 2010. One unique feature of the house is the 5 sets of french doors that open onto the wrap around porch. They are original French doors from the Blue Ridge School for Boys in Hendersonville. There is a history behind the beautiful doors and they will always be a part of the home. In 2010 the house was remodeled by its current owner. The house is available as a vacation rental in the warmer months of the year. For rental information you can call 850-934-3157 or email me at steve@reflectivestore.com